Saturday, December 26, 2009

I shall presently pen down my dilemmas...

Soon I will be taking off, heading out for adventures in Singapore and Borneo. Right now I'm at the stage of:

"I should probably start packing but I can't really wrap my head around the fact that in 5 days I'll be on a plane heading to the other side of the planet so maybe I'll put it off just a little bit longer."

The first dilemma of this trip stems from the fact that I'll be spending New Year's on a plane, flying west through 9 time zones. I don't think it will ever actually be midnight where I am at any single point. I will leave Calgary at 10pm and through a series of temporal changes magically end up in Singapore at 3:30 in the afternoon two days later without ever experiencing midnight on December 31st. I'm effectively skipping New Year's.

At any rate, this is where I will keep postings of my adventures in Southeast Asia for those who wish to keep track of me.

For auld lang syne...
